How and why does unschooling work? What kind of parents and parenting does it take? What will help, and what will hinder?

This is a list for the examination of the philosophy of unschooling and attentive parenting and a place for sharing examined lives based on the principles underlying unschooling.

Always Learning will focus on how people learn no matter where in the world they are, rather than on what’s legal in any particular country or jurisdiction.

This is a moderated group, with trapdoors for the uncooperative. (Not moderated in the advance-approval way, but in the be-nice-to-play way. New members’ posts are moderated, and it’s good to read several dozen posts before jumping in.)

If you’ve never read any John Holt, his thoughts and writing are behind unschooling. There is a link on that page, too.

I can honestly say that I’ve grown more as a person, parent and unschooler due to the discussions on this list than on any other list I’ve been on.