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Dylan got to tour the local lumber mill, the local superfund cleanup site
and climb around on a locomotive all because we just showed up smiling
and eager and asked. I think if we'd tried to plan ahead and call and
arrange we might have been shot down because they would have had time to
worry about injury and liability. So I'm a firm believer in the stop
while your out driving around method.

Also, the homeschool groups around here organize ski trips. It's really
reasonable and the beginners get lessons. You go all day, four or six
times a season, or whatever, rent the equipment and it's usually during
the middle of the week when the slopes aren't that busy.

If they like skiing but the cost is too much try cross country. You
don't have to know anything just be willing to learn and fall a lot. We
used to rent ski's but after a while we found some second hand. We've
been using the same skis for twelve years and we're still having fun.
Lots of towns groom their bike trails in the winter for cross country, so
you might not even have to make a trip out of town. If you do live where
they groom trails there's probably a ski club and you could maybe find
someone to get you started.

I hear from my nephew that learning to snow board is easier than learning
to ski.
