M Walker

Be the Mom who makes things possible. My always-unschooled daughter went to high school in 10th grade and now she's in 11th. Be willing to drive a carload of kids whenever there's an event. You can bring a book and hang out unobtrusively, or find somewhere nearby to get coffee, or even go home and go back to pick them all up if another parent won't share the driving.

My daughter has been amazed at how few parents will drive and facilitate their kids' participation in events. Sometimes, there are events at school and kids are dropped off with no idea of how they'll get home! We have a standing agreement with our daughter that she can offer anyone a ride home, doesn't even need to call and ask.

The conversations in the car are fascinating! Just be a good listener, unless one of the kids asks you something. It's amazing how few of these kids have an adult to talk to, and they will seek you out. You'll have a great window into your daughter's life with her friends and you'll have that last leg of the trip after dropping the last kid off to talk alone.

- Meg