[email protected]

I think the South Carolina conference might end up being August 23, since
October was too expensive and some people were having a hard time scheduling
for November.

August 23 is right around the corner! (Sort of <g>, seems like, compared to

Confirmed speakers (or mostly 'firmed) are Anne Ohman, Mary Gold, Pam
Sorooshian and me.

But before that, it turns out I am speaking in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on
February 28 and March 1. That's a Friday and a Saturday. The airline
tickets are purchased. If August is right around the corner, Febuary 28 is
just a couple of days away. I need to buy more tapes and make a dress, so
that's that!

I also need to buy a pair of shoes which will be warm and give me ankle
support and still fit when my ankle swells up each afternoon.


Pam Hartley

You might try some low to medium cut hiking type boots -- I have a pair that
give very good support and if I had a swelling ankle it would be easy to
loosen up the ankle-laces and give it more space. Plus they have great
traction, which might be a comfort if you're dealing with snow, ice, etc.


>From: SandraDodd@...
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: [AlwaysLearning] conferences, again
>Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2003, 11:42 AM

> I also need to buy a pair of shoes which will be warm and give me ankle
> support and still fit when my ankle swells up each afternoon.

[email protected]

In a message dated 1/20/2003 1:43:29 PM Central Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> I also need to buy a pair of shoes which will be warm and give me ankle
> support and still fit when my ankle swells up each afternoon.

Please share what kind of shoe you end up getting! I can only get on
sneakers, which would do no good way up north. Can't get on my boots or my
hiking boots yet. but I put those yak trak things on my sneakers for more
traction. And mostly I just stay inside when it's icy.

I should think, by the way, that no one would mind if you removed your shoe
(and sock if you can't find a pair of those to fit either) and propped your
leg up whenever possible.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]