[email protected]

Hi, Beth M.,
First of all, congrats for recognizing and respecting the differences in your children. That takes a sensitivity and responsiveness.

My first thought was having specific days for going out and staying in, in particular, a specific day of the week.

As I continue to write more ideas come: What if it's written on the family calendar? Assuming you have a calendar that is accessible for all to pen things in.

It may mean that one week is heavier with going out and another is more of a stay at home week, then you can assist the kids to plan activity bags for those days.

Prior to doing the social event/staying home event how about brainstorming a list of activities for DD and one for DS so they have ideas in hand and aren't bored out of their skull in either location.

Have them pick 3-5 positive observations for each outing or 'in-ing.' You do it, too, perhaps to get the ball rolling...

I also wonder (obviously not knowing your family) if DS were to pick an outing if he would appreciate going out more. Like DD needs to get out of the house and it doesn't matter where, just out. If DS has a choice of a couple places if that would help.

Anyway, a few ideas. Take what works, leave the rest. :o)

Oh, and I'm Kerry, BTW.
Mom to Bilingual Lydia 3yo and Carlos 10 mos
Former teacher who knew she wanted to h/s early on.

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