
This is from my husband's best friend's wife... (wow.. that was hard
to spit out....!) Anyway... I read the letter the first time and
thought... oh man, I am being set up big time.. then I read it again
and thought... ok, she is being open... maybe I could say
something... I read it to my husband... (he just grinned...)

I think she really just wants to tell me that she has a really smart
little boy and (as she should!) be very proud of him! I wrote to her
and sorta blew off much of her point and recmdedd John Holt's
Learning all the time... I said that with all kids born wanting to
aborb everything Holt believes that we should run with their
interests! It is great that she sees that he craves learning...
Any... any other books that you would rec to her along the lines as
to what she is talking about? My dh suggested The Hurried
Child.... (still grinning of course...)

thoughts? here is her letter

He's (her son 17 months) a pretty exceptional little boy. Since
you're so into home schooling I'm sure you have lots of resources.
Would you mind taking a few minutes and helping me find some. I know
every mother says this but I swear Noah's IQ must be huge. I taught
him how to count to ten already, and now we're working on the
alphabet (after just a few sessions he's already showing some
memorization). He's also recognizing most of his colors and all of
his body parts even the hard ones. I just feel like he's learning
everything so quickly that I don't want to slow down. He's really
enjoying it so where can I go from here. Are there books that I can
read to help me deal with an exceptional child? My mother says I'm
pushing him too hard but I feel like he's pushing me to learn new
things. John agrees with me that Luke has a true love of learning.
What do you think can you push a kid too hard when they are the
instigator? If you can just point me in the direction of some
literature I'll be sure to read it.
Thanks a million,
Hey are you still home schooling? I was just curious to know if this
was a permanent situation or what. Obviously if you are it's working
well for you but let me know because I'm curious how it works with
two kids of different ages

Barbara Chase

>Any... any other books that you would rec to her along the lines as
>to what she is talking about?

I've heard this is good... but not specific to unschooling:

"Creative Homeschooling for Gifted Children"

These are some of my favorites:

"Magical Child" by Joseph Chilton Pearce
"Homeschooling and the Voyage of Self-Discovery" by David Albert
"Young at Art" by Susan Striker

You also might want to tell her about tagfam.org, they have a mailing list
for talented and gifted families.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]