[email protected]

In a message dated 5/19/2002 12:29:52 AM Central Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> So the teacher was EFFUSIVELY apologetic, enthusiastic, wanted to know more
> about it for her son, etc. Cool!
> So anyway, I was out proselytizing while Joyce was bravely keeping this
> list
> clean for unschoolers.
> Sandra

HI Sandra...... I am glad to see you on this list too.....
It's me Kim from ILYASAH@....
I know that you probably don't remember me though. I do miss or chats in
homefront hall and the gang..... I have chatted with Kae Kae in a while....

I still have the other email address, but move my homeschooling stuff to this

Glad to see ya


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> Why would the infection appear anywhere there was elastic?
>My mother occasionally used to complain about chiggers as she scratched
>under the elastic waistband of her pants. I didn't think we had chiggers
>up north and assumed something else was bothering her, but now I'm
>thinking she knew what she was talking about.

I have lots of experience with chiggers, both in the Chicago suburbs
where I spent my first 11 years, and in Arkansas after that. Chiggers
are drawn to the warmth of the blood flow, I think, and wherever elastic
is constricting, blood flow is heating up the skin. Your mother talked
about chiggers, but if she didn't have really noticeable red bumps with
tiny little red dots in the center, she didn't have chiggers. You can't
mistake a chigger bite, especially after you've been covered in them
like I was once at National Guard summer camp (forced to sit in the
woods in the dark for hours when I *knew* there were chiggers out there).

But they'll bite just any old place. My boys got chiggers a lot in
their private places, but as a girl, I never did. Warm and tight places
are what they seem to prefer. Like ticks.

All the remedies I've ever known about were either toxic (taking a bath
in a high ratio of bleach to water) or a means of suffocation of the
chigger. That tiny little bottle of stuff was no match for the number
of chiggers I had that one time! I opted for the bleach, knowing how
dangerous it was, because I was in terrible shape!

I don't understand the uproar about ticks, though. You see one, you
pull it out. Simple as that. Of course, you should see check if it's
evenly spaced from 8 others! lol.


[email protected]

I don't understand the uproar about ticks, though. You see one, you
pull it out. Simple as that. Of course, you should see check if it's
evenly spaced from 8 others! lol.

Here on the East coast Ticks carry Lyme Disease. If not caught in time it
can be chronic and somewhat debilitating. If caught in time, it take a MONTH
course of Antibiotic treatment which might work. The bigger ticks don't
carry it, it's the miniscule Deer tick, which is just a little bigger than
thie period at the end of this sentance.
~Elissa Cleaveland
"It is nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction
not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry." A. Einstein