[email protected]

In a message dated 11/13/2003 7:28:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:
Well this touched a current nerve with me!! We're at the end of Lemony
Snickets first Unfortunate Series book and I was very surprised and
disgusted that any word that's longer than six letters is defined in the
book!!! Hello!!! What ever happened to picking up the meaning from the
text???? I will have to say I was already predisposed to not like the books
as I had heard and read that nothing good ever happened to the kids and I'm
a sucker for happy endings. But I tried to go into them with a open mind as
my kids really wanted to listen to them (we're listening in the car) and I
had heard mixed reviews. So that may be part of what irratates me about the
fact that he defines so many words, I feel that it interrupts the flow of
the story and that it's dumbing our kids down, let's assume that they can't
figure anything out for themselves and hand them it on a silver plate so
when they encounter that word again they won't remember what it means.

Just my two cents rant.

Oh, I read that in the bookstore, and that cracked me up. I think it's
SUPPOSED to be funny, not dumbed down, that he does that.

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