[email protected]

In a message dated 1/2/2006 7:42:03 AM Central Standard Time,
Sandra@... writes:

And for me to say
that my child has received the full course of instruction seems
dishonest, as there was no full course of instruction


Mine doesn't say that. It doesn't have to say that. It says "meets all the
requirements of the State of Arkansas" or something similar. I don't have
it on a computer anymore so I don't know exactly what it said.

There are no requirements of the state of Arkansas, so he naturally met all
of them. Or none of them. <g> It also said something about how he met all
the requirements of our "homeschool". I could make a long long list of all
the things he had done and was capable of which could be translated in to
educationese to satisfy the most persnickety educrat. But I didn't. I just
said, "He graduated."


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