heather mclean

> In the course of an average lifetime you will, while

> sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders.

Whenever I get emails like this, I check them out at
www.snopes.com. The one about the spiders isn't true.

For details check out

heather mclean
a graduate of plano senior high school, plano texas

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In a message dated 1/17/02 10:33:18 PM, heather_200115@... writes:

<< a graduate of plano senior high school, plano texas >>

Those in and of New Mexico cannot help but snort (if not guffaw or squeal)
when I say I went to Espanola Elementary, Espanola Jr. High and Espanola High
School. Espanola is that town about which all jokes are customized. In
Texas it's Aggies. In New Mexico, it's "There was this girl from Espanola..."

When people say "Do you like Espanola jokes?" I sometimes say "I *AM* an
Espanola joke!"



Wow! Does that mean that all the rest of them are true? <g>
You guys, "did you know" was just meant for some laughs and maybe a few serious ponderings. I certainly didn't take all of those "facts" as face value. I got some laughs out of it and wanted to share it with you. That's all. :o)

who likes fun things

heather mclean wrote:

> In the course of an average lifetime you will, while

> sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders.

Whenever I get emails like this, I check them out at
www.snopes.com. The one about the spiders isn't true.

For details check out

heather mclean
a graduate of plano senior high school, plano texas

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]