[email protected]

In a message dated 1/26/02 6:13:56 AM Pacific Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> And second, was this group
> listed in a newsletter or something? I'm curious about the quick influx!

Well, for me, it's my daughter's experience in the public school
(Kindergarten) that prompted me to SERIOUSLY consider pulling
her out. Except for spending time with her friends, she's BORED
all the time. I guess it took from Sept until December for us both
to realize that public school was NOT the place to be. And also,
I have several friends online who unschool and I was intrigued with
that and figured the best place to learn more about homeschooling
and unschooling was to join some lists. :-)

BTW,,,,Thursday is Laura's last day in public school. My daughter
is excited to be starting unschooling, but kind of sad that she won't
be able to spend time every day with the friends she's made at the
public school. There are two girls especially that she will miss a
lot. I'm going to be sending a couple of notes with her to school
tomorrow to give to their Moms in the hopes that we can set up
times for the girls to get together before or after school (they go
to PM Kinder).

Also, we were supposed to be moving to Seattle this week to
the shared living house,,,but the underwriters messed things up
and so everything has been put on hold until my friends who are
buying the house can find a new bank and start the process all
over again. Ugh! We were sooo looking forward to moving into
the house and getting on with life instead of living in limbo. The
girls can't even jump up and down or run around happily (during
the day) in our apartment without the downstairs neighbors
getting all upset and banging on their ceiling.

Andrea Kim :-)
Mommy to two sweeties!
Laura (2/16/96) & Allison (8/31/99)
Kent, WA,,,,,,,,soon to be Seattle!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 1/26/02 3:49:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> I've gone and ticked people off at the unschooling.com board again, can't
> seem to help myself, sheesh! Any new members from there? haha

I joined that list at the same time I joined this one.
I've found myself deleting my unschooling.com digests
unread recently, but not any of the AlwaysLearning
digests (I get behind, but I do read them all eventually).
I guess that says something right there and that's from
a newbie who has no clue. :-)

BTW, what did you two gals (Joanna and Ren) do to
stir up trouble over there anyway?

Andrea Kim :-)
Full Time Mommy to
Laura (2/16/96) & Allison (8/31/99)
Kent, WA,,,,,,,,soon to be Seattle!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 1/26/02 3:49:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> -No Joanna, it was my doing. Inadvertantly.
> I'm glad there are a few other voices so I'm not alone. I questioned
> a person that said something about if her child "got behind" she
> would do something about it.
> Sheesh.
> When I called that view into question, against the views of
> unschooling, it started the whole mud slinging battle again.
> What an idiot I am to think that someone over there could be
> questioned and actually give some thoughtful answers without feeling
> attacked.
> I can't believe the fallout from my post.
> I should know better. But like you I can not stomache the thought
> of "do whatever works for your family"
> Why even have Unschooling as a concept if we're just goint to tell
> everyone that line of BS.
> It's not right that they've ousted the clearest voice on the planet
> about unschooling (Yes, Sandra)
> and the voices that have taken over are giving lousy advice to people.
> Ren

Would any of you hardcore unschoolers who live in WA
want to join the WAUNSCHOOLERS list and tell me if
they are *really* unschoolers? They are talking about
curriculum books and asking the kids to do a page or
two in a book every day and trying to figure out ways
to teach math,,,,"so the kids don't fall behind", etc,,,

I joined that list since I live in WA and wanted to learn all
I can about unschooling,,,,but the list seems more of a
place to plan and do field trips with other homeschoolers
than a place to learn about unschooling. They have set
times to go to the children's museum, set times to go to
a thing in Renton called FLIGHT (FLIGHT means Families
Learning In God's Honor Together. It is a very large
homeschooling co-op comprising some 180+ families
representing more than 30 churches/faiths etc. They
go there, separate the kids by age and then send them
off to classrooms to do age appropriate activities),,,etc
It all seems very scheduled and not very *unschool* like
to me. One newbie to the group got slammed on the
list for questioning FLIGHT and saying it didn't sound
like unschooling.

The owner of the list even said that she thinks society
would crumble to pieces without public school! I wouldn't
be questioning any of this if their name was
WAHomeschoolers or WAFieldTripsforHomeschoolers,
but their name is WAUNSCHOOLERS! (so it seems kind
of misleading).

On the other hand, I'm still new to all this, so maybe
I'm not informed enough about unschooling to make
comments about something not seeming very

Andrea Kim :-)
Mommy to two sweeties!
Laura (2/16/96) & Allison (8/31/99)
Kent, WA,,,,,,,,soon to be Seattle!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> BTW, what did you two gals (Joanna and Ren) do to
> stir up trouble over there anyway?
> Andrea Kim :-)
> Full Time Mommy to
> Laura (2/16/96) & Allison (8/31/99)
> Kent, WA,,,,,,,,soon to be Seattle!

I gave an unwanted opinion.


> On the other hand, I'm still new to all this, so maybe
> I'm not informed enough about unschooling to make
> comments about something not seeming very
> unschooling-like.
> Andrea Kim :-)
> Mommy to two sweeties!
> Laura (2/16/96) & Allison (8/31/99)
> Kent, WA,,,,,,,,soon to be Seattle!
I think you've got a lot, already figured out.

I'm wondering how someone like you,(or me 5 years ago) can read about
unschooling and pretty much figure out right from the get go, that
some things just don't fit into it's realm, yet there are entire
groups out there using the name, and still schooling their children.
It's a mystery!
I'm also wondering how harmful it is, to unschooling, that there are
groups like these. It's annoying , yes, but will people be mislead
to what unschooling really can be, by these groups or individuals who
call themselves unschoolers but are not. Or are those people( who do
get "mislead"), just ones that would never have come to unschooling
Just pondering.

Tia Leschke

>I'm wondering how someone like you,(or me 5 years ago) can read about
>unschooling and pretty much figure out right from the get go, that
>some things just don't fit into it's realm, yet there are entire
>groups out there using the name, and still schooling their children.

I read one today from someone who unschooled their kids while they were
still in school and now pays them to do workbook pages....sigh.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island


> I read one today from someone who unschooled their kids while they
> still in school and now pays them to do workbook pages....sigh.
> Tia

I read it too. I started to reply to her, then just deleted. I
didn't want to "go there".