[email protected]

This was just sent to me from another list:

From: folkypoet@... (shana ronayne)

Hi there -

I'm an unschooling mother who has just begun putting together a

magazine in the tradition of Growing Without Schooling. I've often

felt that there has been something missing in the

homeschooling/unschooling community for the past few years, and I

wanted to do my part to put things right. This is a project I've

been considering for some time now and have just embarked on with a


The magazine, Live Free: Learn Free, is a forum for unschoolers and

relaxed homeschoolers in which to share ideas, stories, and

experiences in a safe environment. All the material (save for the

introduction to each issue) will be written by those who home

educate - both parents (or other relatives) and children. It will

be an inclusive magazine, not only for and by experienced

unschoolers, but also for and by those just starting down the path.

It will embrace those who are radical in their unschooling methods

and those who are less so.

The magazine will be small in the beginning - put together with

little money and modestly printed. I think that home educating

families will be more interested in the content than in the look of

the magazine. My hope is that this notice finds a life of its own

by being forwarded by interested homeschoolers from list to list.

This seems like the way to reach the most people and to enable the

magazine to become a wonderful resource. Really, the more people

who write for it, the more helpful it will become.

That said, in my search for unschooling lists, I found you. I

believe that a magazine written by real homeschoolers at different

points in their journeys could be a very valuable resource for those

just starting out. I was not a member of this group until today,

and I don't want to be seen as a spammer. My motivation is to

create something useful for the unschooling community, but I can't

do it alone. I don't have the contacts on my own. Not even close,

really. I'm a lurker, generally, posting only very rarely. I've

been a member of the Uschooling-List for several years now and of

the RUL for about a year or so. I also belong to several smaller

unschooling lists. I prefer, usually, to read other's posts and

glean from them useful information that meets my needs at the time.

And, I guess that's one of the reasons behind my creating of Live

Free: Learn Free: it's a magazine that allows readers to get a

glimpse of how others live and learn.

If you would be willing to post this notice, I'd be very grateful.

If you don't feel it meets the needs of your list members, just let

me know. Also, if you have any questions or would like anything

clarified, please let me know.

Thank you,

Shana Hickman


LIVE FREE: LEARN FREE is a new, soon-to-be-launched magazine. In

the tradition of John Holt's GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING (for

information on this amazing magazine, please visit Fun Books (a site

owned by a homeschooling family with whom LIVE FREE: LEARN FREE is

not affiliated) at http://www.fun-books.com/gws.htm), LIVE FREE:

LEARN FREE strives to bring home educating families together by

publishing articles, stories, and letters written by

home/unschooling parents and children. All content (except the

introduction to each issue) will be written by readers and will

focus on one or more themes.

LIVE FREE: LEARN FREE is looking for parents and children involved

in home education, particularly unschooling or relaxed/eclectic

homeschooling, to contribute to the first issue. We've decided to

just dive right in and start with the "Big S": Socialization. It's

usually the first concern relatives or well-meaning strangers voice,

and it is often a deciding factor in a family's decision to educate

their children at home. It's a scary question, but does it have to

be? Send us stories of your own experiences, your thoughts on the

importance or unimportance of socialization, what socialization has

come to mean for you and your family, etc. Anything goes.

Additionally, we'd like to receive, on an ongoing basis, articles or

letters about what works (or doesn't work) for you as home

educators: lifestyle choices (such as bedtimes, chores, etc.),

curriculum/non-curriculum choices, resources, etc., as well as

glimpses into the days and ways of an unschooling family. This will

be a recurring section of the magazine.

Finally, if there are changes occurring in your state's

homeschooling laws, we want to hear about it. You can use LIVE

FREE: LEARN FREE as another forum to reach as many home educators in

your state as possible.

There is no monetary payment for contributors; however, each

contributing writer will receive a free copy of the magazine.

Additionally, authors who request it will receive a frame-able

certificate thanking them for their contribution to LIVE FREE: LEARN

FREE (a great incentive for kids of all ages).

Please send all articles, stories, letters, etc. in the body of an

email or in an attached Word document. Hard copies of contributions

may also be sent to our physical address for those without Internet


Though we strive to print as much as possible, unfortunately not

every contribution will make it into LIVE FREE: LEARN FREE. Whether

we use your article or not, you will receive a response from the

editors. We hope to have enough material to print a stellar first

issue within about a month; however, we have not set a firm

deadline, as we don't know the amount of interest this notice will



We are also looking for advertisers. LIVE FREE: LEARN FREE is a

great place to advertise your home- or home-education-friendly

business! First issue rates for advertisers are as follows:

$12 for 1/3 page

$20 for 1/2 page

$35 for full page

Please note: at this time, a page is five-and-a-half by eight-and-a-

half inches.

Please send your advertisement image as a black-and-white JPEG or

simply email us the text if no image is needed. Graphic design work

for your advertisement is available for an additional fee.


Please send contributions, advertising queries, inquiries,

subscription requests, and etc. to




1635 Pearl Avenue

Wichita Falls, TX 76301-5726


**Also, feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be

interested. Thank you for your interest in LIVE FREE: LEARN FREE!


Shana Ronayne Hickman and Terry RW Whisenant (editors)