Pam Hartley

On Survivor, a pseudo-reality show with one would think no redeeming values
other than mindless enjoyment, I got to watch a group of lionesses hunt down
an animal (a wildebeest? don't recall. Normal prey animal, whatever it was),
but I got to watch the angle FROM THE AIR.

I've seen lots of nature shows of lions bringing down prey, but never from
this INCREDIBLE airborne angle that let me see the one lioness presumably
screwing up (she wasn't, but it looked that way for a minute) by not being
able to run down the prey, but then ahead you could CLEARLY see her two
team-mates waiting in the brush ahead, after the prey had been ducking and
dodging in seemingly random patterns, RIGHT where lioness #1 was driving the
prey into their waiting jaws.

Amazing. Breath-stealing. Gorgeous. Reading about hunts in books and looking
at pictures and even seeing a dozens of hunts from the ground view on other
tv shows was NOTHING like what I got from a minute's worth of footage on a
game show.

Now I wish I could see a wolf pack hunt from above.


From: Jessica Kelly <wordup@...>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Any other families without a TV Re: [AlwaysLearning] TV,Video
and unschooling
Date: Mon, Jan 28, 2002, 3:16 PM

I don't think we're talking about the same thing, unless commercial
television has improved mightily since I last tuned in.

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Pam Hartley

Comparing drug use to television isn't reasonable. Marijuana is illegal.
Television isn't.

From: "Abrahamson, Daniel & Teresa" <danandterrie@...>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Any other families without a TV Re: [AlwaysLearning] TV,Video
and unschooling
Date: Mon, Jan 28, 2002, 2:21 PM

My MIL has a daughter much younger than the rest of us (22) who was
also at this vacation house. The same evening I refer to with the tv
concern, this daughter arrived in the evening, and the MIL got very angry
because she felt the daughter had been out smoking pot, and warned her if
she was going to be high she could not be in her (MIL) presence, at this
vacation house (equal turf right) and eventually the daughter left the
vacation early. It seems to me this example is one of the MIL feeling her
values were being infringed on by being exposed to something (a person who
was high) being in her presence. Like I felt our values were infringed on
by playing the tv, knowing we did not enjoy it at all. What do you think?

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