Sandra Dodd

This came with a "broken link" e-mail, and many of those "others" named are reading here.

-=-By the way, thank you so much for creating your website. It is a wonderful resource. I have been reading and rereading your thoughtful writing for a few years now, including in one of your books. Your writing, and the writing of others that you have included, has helped me in many ways, and continues to do so.-=-

I'm grateful for those who write something that jumps up and SPEAKS in a new and clear way. This week, it's Colleen Prieto. Pretty often, it's Meredith Novak. They could be doing other things instead of reading and writing about unschooling. Deb Lewis is a vein of gold in he wordmine, and her son is old enough to go to Europe on his own, and she still, sometimes, helps the rest of us. Schuyler, when she's in the mood, writes only the best and purest things. I wish I could name every person I've quoted in the past year, but some were short, some were anonymous, some happened quickly, but many are documented here, as the quotes (if they were long enough) were announced as they were added to the site.

And things written here, which become part of the archives, are a mine-your-own jewels resource for members of this group.

Thank you, everyone who reads and writes and everyone who reads and thinks and everyone who reads and chooses softer and more interesting things to do with their very real and growing children.


And of course