[email protected]

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 10:10:34 EST SandraDodd@... writes:
> So
> they
> called our "school" and we filed out from the rows they had told us
> to file
> into.)

When Dylan was seven or so, he wanted to try out for a part in The Wizard
of Oz. It was being put on by a group that travels around the state to
the different schools and produces these cute little performances.
The auditions were held at the school, of course, and when we got there
they wanted all the kids to sit in a circle on the floor, littlest to
biggest. They had this freaky way of quieting the kids down-- the guy
would clap his hands 1-2---123, and the kids would get quiet and echo
the clapping. Weird. It struck me as very creepy that ALL the kids
understood this is what they were supposed to do.
Anyway, it was all pretty tedious for the little kids and when Dylan had
to use the restroom he just got up and walked across the circle. The guy
said something like, hey, you need to sit down, and Dylan told him he
was going to the bathroom. The guy said - well, you want to raise your
hand and ask first! - and Dylan said, no thanks, I just want to go the
bathroom... It was so sweet to me. He had no idea other people told
kids when they could pee.
He decided not to stay for the rest of the audition and we went to the
park instead. That was much more fun anyway. We did see the production
and it was good, but I felt sorry for all those kids who had to raise
thier hand to go potty.

Deb L