[email protected]

Holly's friend is reading (by assignment of her mom) Are you There, God? It's
Me, Margaret, by Judy Blume.

Holly wanted to read it, so I took her and bought a copy just a bit ago.

She sat down to read. She's not so fluent at this kind of text yet, but she
wants to try to pass her friend. (Healthy competition? Maybe or maybe not,
but I didn't discuss that with her. I did warn her that some people don't
discuss books just the way you'd like them, that while one is talking about
what a character might have been thinking and why they did things, the other
might just be saying "Isn't it interesting that her sister's name was

First thing she asked me from the other room was, "What is s-o-c-i-a-l ?"

I said the word.

She said, "What's that?"


She knows "sociable," but didn't know "social," so it's not too weird. But
the difference between her social life and her... there is no difference.
Her whole LIFE is social!!
