J. Stauffer

<<I think schools should be more like libraries...>>

Some of my best friends do "school at home" and started a class day. The
families pitch in and hire a tutor or one of the parents teaches the class.
What an eye opener the first year was for my friends. They could tell such
a difference between the kids that wanted to be there and the kids that
didn't, the kids who were engaged and the kids who were being forced.

They talked to me about it because I was heading up the drama club (I
refused to call it a class) and we were having so much fun. I talked with
them about the right to choose, and respecting even those under 18 years

My friends made a rule that kids can only come if they want to be there (no
mama made me stuff) and that the child is responsible for their class,
assignments, test scores, etc..

It is working beautifully and the tutors comment on what a high functioning
group the kids are.

Julie S.