
Well, we're back home. Canada's Wonderland was fun, but very, very wet.
It was a steady rain all day which left us all with wrinkled fingers
despite our raincoats. The girls enjoyed it. I did, too. Thank you
all for your advise. We all dressed in red tops, although they were
usually covered by the rain ponchos. I gave each of the three older
girls a whistle to wear on their wrist in case they needed to get our
attention quickly. They never needed them. The only problems we had
were getting in an equal amount of fun time for everyone because it
turns out Aislinn, the eldest, adores rollar coasters, while Elysia, the
next oldest, detests them. Soleille was scared and overwhelmed at
first, but then was okay as long as she could be with and/or see me. I
was the ONLY one allowed to push her stroller. Leiren, our 18m old, was
great. She sat in her little umbrella stroller bundled up in a pink
raincoat poncho that was about 5 sizes too big for most of the day. The
few rides she went on, her face was just kind of blank with wonder.
Nobody had much of an appetite, so all we bought for food was a bag of
chips. Of course, we had to by a supply of candy bars before we left
because there's always some that you can only get in Canada. Mmmmm,
Coffee Crisp Candy Bars!!!

So, I was talking to my mil this morning to thank her for watching our
dog. She went on and on about missing those times years ago when you
could take your kids to an amusement park and just let them go off on
their own. Then she went on to plug the Disney Cruise Ships because on
those there's babysitters so the parents can go off and be alone.
Listening to her makes me feel very sad for my dh. Her ideal vacation
has always been to get away from her children. I can't imagine missing
those awesome moments of my children's lives that will be savored
memories (hopefully). To me, that's way more fun than sitting in a
beach chair for an hour.

The girls want to go again next year. Although, I still think one of
their favorite parts was jumping on the hotel beds for two hours ;) One
of my favorite parts is coming home again. It's like taking off your
fanciest dress after a great party to slip into your most comfortable

I hope you all had a great weekend. Happy June! Heidi