Lisa Freese

My daughter, who is five, has been doing this for
years--writing letters and other things to us and
other folks and, occasionally, bringing them to me to
read. Before they were scribbles, now they are
letters (though not English words--I hesitate not to
call them words at all because technically they can be
pronounced even if I don't know what they mean!), and
my response to her has always been the same. I read
what I think they mean. If I am wrong, she corrects
me very matter of factly. Oh, I say, and that's the
end of it. I've found that asking her to read it to
me, when she has specifically asked me to read it to
her, just gets her irritated. No, Mama, YOU do it!
So I do.

Just my experience.


Lisa Freese

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." --Thomas Edison

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Tia Leschke

I read
> what I think they mean. If I am wrong, she corrects
> me very matter of factly. Oh, I say, and that's the
> end of it. I've found that asking her to read it to
> me, when she has specifically asked me to read it to
> her, just gets her irritated. No, Mama, YOU do it!
> So I do.

She's probably wanting to check how close she's getting to real
communication. Of course her reading it to you wouldn't accomplish that.

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where
there is no path and leave a trail."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson