The White's

<<<Bizarre thing, and I wonder if anyone else has had this experience. I and
many of my friends have noticed a strange tendency in many cool men we know
(including Julian's dad, actually) to get scarily more conservative as they
hit middle age...>>>

Another thing about these "boys". Here in the South, as I'm sure elsewhere, when boys were first driving they drove as fast as they could, loved hot rods and big trucks. When I was a teenage girl I would never have gotten in any of their vehicles, not mostly because of their driving habits though. Now I hate to find myself behind one of them because they drive those big trucks like little old ladies, barely making the speed limit! Are they afraid of getting dirt on the truck, or what?!!? Cool men have always been easy to spot here in the South, even now :-)

Cindy, whose husband's favorite pasttime is joining conservative e-lists just to bait them, pretend he's one of them, and see what mayhem he can cause!!

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