Tia Leschke

Because of my asking about Dads supporting homeschooling before divorce and
then changing their minds on another list, a single parent homeschooling
mother has started a list. You might want to pass this on to any single
parents you know who hs or want to.

Single Parent's Home Education Support

This is a safe place to discuss issues about custody, visitation and
maintaining educational continuity for your home educated child during
separation and divorce. It is also a place for parents who are overwhelmed
with being the only caregiver for their child (whether the other parent has
ever been involved or not) and how to deal with the stresses and share the
joys of doing so.

To subscribe send email to:
[email protected]
You will receive a welcome message and confirmation that you are added. You
may be requested to join Yahoo. Do so an then you can post a message to
introduce yourself and your situation at [email protected]

The list owner is me, Theresa RolletMcWilliams. I live in Nova Scotia and am
in the unique postion to be "half schooling" my three previously
homeschooled children. If you have any questions you can email me at

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island