[email protected]

In a message dated 10/28/2003 3:57:56 AM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:
I am new here. I am on a few other homeschool/unschool lists. You guys are
great! Really informative, and inspiring. I have a 2 year old son who is
going to be unschooled. We have yet to convey this idea to my in-laws who
are pretty much against every other parenting idea we have implemented
(co-sleeping, breastfeeding, gentle parenting, etc.). My mil thinks that
all children need "training". She once said "Children are god's way of
punishing you for enjoying sex." Any ideas about how to bring up the idea
without getting kicked out of the will? <g> I was thinking of
articles/statistics...any good ones? Books are too much - I need some
fairly quick come-backs. I was thinking of bringing up homeschooling first
and not even broaching the idea of unschooling until I see how it settles.
Flora, I have to say that your chances of staying in the will seem slim.
"Children are god's way of punishing you for enjoying sex." Oh my. Your poor
husband. HER poor husband.


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