
Hi ladies-
I'm a mom to 6 (w/twins in there) and have always homeschooled...
I was just wondering how or what you all do as to -schooling or "un-
schooling" each day? Or if you even have a set schedule or what? We
kind of "go w/the flow" as of now... and pick and choose what we
like/dislike and go from there. Thanks for any input and take
care! :)

[email protected]

Our schedule involves appointments, people coming over, parties, movies
needing to be returned, and when/whether Kirby (and lately Marty) has to work.

When the kids were little, we scheduled around the homeschooling park day and
babysitting co-op exchanges (which for the kids were just playtime

After a lot of scheduled days, a day or three of "nothing" can seem heavenly.
After a week of "nothing particular," though, a few firm commitments can be
a relief.

So I think maybe you could schedule some unscheduled days. :-)


[email protected]

In a message dated 11/6/04 9:43:32 AM, hlbhart@... writes:

<< I was just wondering how or what you all do as to -schooling or "un-

schooling" each day? >>

Forgot to mention...

There's a collection of reports of unschooling days here:


Angela S

Lately, our days revolve around our new horse. :0) It doesn’t get any
better than that! Every time I watch the school bus go by or talk to a
homeschool family who can’t play because they aren’t done school yet, I
think to myself, …we are *so* lucky! What a life we have!

We got our first horse two weeks ago. My girls are 8 and almost 10 and they
are horse crazy! Our horse is boarded at a barn ½ mile from our house. We
are there first thing in the morning to clean her stall, groom her, and ride
her most days. We go back and help shovel stalls later on and help feed and
bring the horses in to their stalls.

When we are home, we are either playing with friends, just playing, reading
about horses, watching horses on TV, or keeping the house running. We’ve
been enjoying a new card game called Webster’s Word Madness. The girls have
gotten back into Zoo Tycoon and Roller Coaster Tycoon. There’s a new Roller
Coaster Tycoon 3 out with very cool graphics.

I have no worries that my girls won’t learn what they need to know. They
are little sponges who absorb everything around them, as they need it. It
seems so natural to me. It saddens me when I listen to other people’s
concerns for their children’s education. They are missing out, in a big
way, on today.

Angela ~ Maine


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