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Today starts our family's first ever winter break. Remember Ashley went to 3rd
grade in the fall. We will most likely watch TV all day. Tessa is sick, 103.5
fever. She is hot and a bit pale. The wind is howling, rain expected soon, for
days. Yesterday I hosted a garden class which went very well. The kids made
planter boxes and planted them with bulbs. Riley showed a little girl how to
hammer. He even held the nail for her, the brave guy. Tessa stayed inside in a
blanket. Ashley is in a Nutcracker Performance for the next several nights. We
went last night, bringing a friend from her school. 250 kids put on this show,
it's a city tradition. So we know lots of the cast and it's fun to see who you
know in each scene.

I'm feeling happy having the family all together for several weeks again
without the 5 times a week, getting Ashley up and out and then picking her up
mid day. I can say this has been the greatest hurdle for me to jump.She loves
her class, even though there are mean girls and lairs. She gave her teacher
tickets to her show for a gift. I'm going to pick up the room Tessa and I
share. It has become a huge pile of all things.Talk to you all soon,

Mary H.