[email protected]

In a message dated 1/19/04 6:31:54 PM, tuckervill2@... writes:

<< Actually, his birthday is the 15th, but this is the Monday we celebrate
birthday this year.

Tuck >>

Monday-holiday government birthday.

They made Washington and Lincoln share one. <g>

I checked my mailbox twice before I remembered it was a holiday. Trashman
comes; mail comes. That's Monday. Kids didn't go to school? NOT A CLUE.

Oh hey! Today, though, Kirby and Marty socialized with high school kids!

A high school kid works where Kirby works. As there was no school today,
guys from his school had planned a big Halo extravaganza with four tvs and four
game systems (X-Box). Sixteen players at once.

So because they weren't going to school today, they decided to spend the
school hours playing Halo. No problem for them. For Kirby and Marty!? (And
Joey and Jeremy, who spent the night so they'd be here when it started...) They
were to meet at the parking lot of the gaming store at 7:00 so Mike, the
school-guy, could lead them to his friend's house.

I was happily sleeping (actually having an elaborately stupid and frustrating
dream, so it was fine) when the phone rang at 6:59. Marty was on it, but I
got up and hiked to the front of the house to see whether Kirby had failed to
wake up or something. No, Kirby was out scraping frost off the windshield. He
has never driven a car that early in the morning and didn't know much about
frost. Seriously.

So the call was this: Mike got there to meet Kirby, and the window was
broken on the store. They'd been broken into. So he called Kirby to find out
what to do. They called their boss (who lives half an hour away instead of two
minutes as we do) and waited for him to get there before going on to play.

That was a lot of excitement for before 8:00 a.m. And the game was tons of
fun. They came back all tumbling over each other to tell storie about how
cool it was.

So on a day when school was out, my kids did a school-schedule day. <g>
