Pam Sorooshian

This is a pretty good article - a little meatier than is typical. But
here is the final paragraph:

<<While the debate about its merits and potential pitfalls will only
heighten if unschooling becomes more prevalent across Canada, the
truest test will ultimately lie with the kids themselves. Whether they
succeed (or fail) as they enter postsecondary school and then the
workforce will be a very real study on whether this educational
philosophy will thrive in the future, or fall onto the philosophical
ash heap as a discredited relic of the past.>>

The full article is here:

What I object to in that last paragraph is the clear bias that success
or failure depends on entering "postsecondary school."

Asking whether or not they CAN be successful in postsecondary school
is fine - there are enough of them out there who have already done it
to answer that question with a resounding, "Yes, they can if they so

But it is such a limited and sad little way to measure "success."
