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I wrote this during the same days I posted "sweet sixteen". I guess I got
a writing bug.
I thought I'd post this so you don't think all isn't well between my son
and I, plus there was some talk about sex ed so I thought this kinda fit
with the topic.

Yesterday my son asked if I could give him and hid friends a ride to
planned parenthood. I asked were it was, that if it was on my way to the
store, I'd do it. Of course I also asked why they wanted to go there. He
said "Wednesdays are free condom day". It was on the way, so I said I'd
drop them off and they could walk over to meet me at the store when they
were done. On the ride over I asked what they wanted the condoms for 8 ),
that if they planned on using them, they should probably talk to their
parents about this stuff. My son said he knew I would cause a problem if
I went along. He was driving so it's not like I was taking them, he was,
I was just along for the ride cause he only has a driving permit. His
friend that already has a bun in someone's oven said he can't talk to his
parents about this stuff, they'd just yell, drink and/or do more drugs if
he brings it up. Sad! : ( The girl that was with us kinda just laughed
it off. My son didn't want to hear a lecture but I said I have to do "the
mom thing". I told them condoms weren't 100% guaranteed, I don't think
anything is and they really should talk to someone, a parent, doctor. I
asked if they give out condoms at school or if that was just something I
saw on TV. They said the school has an abstinence policy. I said well
that's probably 100% guaranteed except for that immaculate conception
thing going round. My son didn't know what I was talking about so I
filled him in on Mary from back in the day. The girl said someone came
into one of her classes and besides other things, talked about an 8 yr
old girl who immaculately conceived, the doctors said her hymen was never
broken but she was pregnant. I don't know. I've never heard about it
before. I don't think I lectured them, and I don't think they felt as if
I were, we were just talking. I dropped them off, or should I say they
abandoned me in the parking lot but left me the keys, so I continued on
to the store. They took a backpack with them thinking they'd load up on
condoms, I found this funny. They met up with me shortly after, at the
store, but with no condoms. The governor of our state cut funding so no
freebies. I guess he's pro life.
The last thing on my shopping list was calling cards. I like the kids to
carry them if they need to make a call while they're out. They'd prefer
cell phones but we tried that route and it's not in our budget. That's a
whole other story. My son grabbed a pack and pointed out that some charge
9 mins. while others charge 12 mins. automatically when you use them at a
pay phone. The packaging for both kinds looked identical, from the same
company. The small print. It's amazing to me that he'd pick that up in
the small print. I wouldn't have noticed. A gentleman was looking at the
rack of cards. Being the good citizen I try to be, I pointed out to him
what my son just showed me. I said "my son is so smart", I'm a proud
mama! The gentleman agreed that it wasn't a noticeable difference in
packaging. At the same time a woman must have overheard half our
conversation, grabbed a pack of cards also, and said it's just 25 cents,
what's the big deal, it's still cheaper than using the pay phone with
change, and she proceeded to the register. She missed the point, sounded
defensive, and I didn't want to start an argument so I just smiled, so
did the gentleman.

I've got a whole rant about cards but I'll save it for later.

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