[email protected]

In a message dated 1/18/2005 1:28:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

Lately I am a failure to finish Kirby's shower. I'm up to the
and teensy detail stuff. I should just go and do that. Really.<<<<

I may have you beat, I started the boys' bathroom the summer of 2003.
OK---the tile is all done. I finally finished grouting it and sealed it a few weeks

Left to do:
put shower fixtures on
shave the bottoms of the doors and reinstall
lay threshold (and grrrrrout!)
buy, cut, paint, and nail up baseboard

You'd think in two years I could have found the time to do these piddly
little things. I can (and probably WILL) do *many* more piddly things before
these are done!

I'm a lister---I write lists. Every day. My goal is to do one *big* thing OR
two *little* things every day. (That's not including all the 'every day'
things that get done---laundry, dishes, etc.) This list includes the conference,
home repairs, bee checks, biggish garden projects, dog baths (for my own),

Often those little things get lost----but the caulk gun made it from the
garage to the porch yesterday---and into the kitchen today! <G> Maybe there's
hope! <G>

Good luck with your grrrrout sealing!


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