
Hello, and I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to share a
legit stay-at-home income I've found (since they seem to be few and
far between!). I love staying at home with my 14 month old son, and
3 year old daughter! With a new baby coming in September, we are a
very busy household as you can imagine. The MommyCash Newsletter has
been perfect work for me ~ my job is so flexible, I can work around
my own schedule which is a MUST with little ones around! After all
the scams, MLM, and pyramids I've sifted through this is something I
can feel good about doing.

I am just getting started myself, but my friend Marcy has only been
working with the Newsletter now for about 8 weeks. She has already
made $2560 (about $300/week) and hasn't even had a whole lot of time
to devote to it, maybe 10 hrs. a week. It is really simple and Liz
is so great to work with! She and I both will help you every step
of the way. I look forward to hopefully working with you. You can
see June's Issue of the MommyCash Newsletter at

I've also copied one of her Paypal payment receipts she gave me
below so you can see the kind of money she's been making lately. She
gets some type of payment almost every day. If we can do it so can
you!! It is VERY simple.

The MommyCash Newsletter is rapidly expanding! We are desperately
looking for moms who want to work from home for both part-time and
full-time pay. Work around your own schedule. No experience is
needed! We will train but you must have a computer that has online
access. No selling required. All work is done from home.

You must put code 37368 in the subject line when you reply and if
you do decide to join make sure you put 37368 in the refferal or
code number line, that is how you make your money.

If you are interested feel free to reply to me at
sherahtaylor@..., I will be more then happy to send you some
more information.


Sherah Taylor

PayPal Receipt

You've Got Cash!

Marketing Ventures just sent you money with PayPal.

Payment Details

Amount: $255.00

Transaction ID: 26J14021890268212

Subject: Congratulations! (37368)

Note: You had 1 Terms and 4 GOLD MommyCash Epackages purchased
under your code number. Way to go! Liz

Thank you for using PayPal!