[email protected]

In a message dated 1/16/2005 4:01:16 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,
ddzimlew@... writes:

-=-husband was reading this morning about vigilantes in Montana. In the
town of Bannack in 1864 a man was confronted by a mob who fired on him,
wounded him, dragged his wounded self out of his cabin and shot him six
times. After he was dead he was tied to a pole and the mob fired more
than a hundred rounds into him. They then burned his cabin and threw his
body into the flames. None of those guys ever watched TV. <g> -=-

Where I live, there are guys who cruise around and go to bars or drink in
parking lots, and later when they're drunk they cruise around some more and
sometimes they shoot at each other, or others. In *every single case* the world
would have been a better place had they been home watching TV.

-=-Humans have eyes and we see in color. We had eyes to see with long
before there were written words to decipher.-=-

And we listened to others tell stories and sing songs and play instruments
long before there was written word. TV and movies have music, and beautiful


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