Pam Hartley

Start looking for video game groups he can join. Video game conferences he
might like to attend. Science fiction conventions sometimes have gaming
tie-ins. His favorite TV shows will have websites and fan clubs and message
boards and email groups and maybe local real-life groups.

Pam, former (okay, okay, CURRENT <g>) nerd

From: starsuncloud@...
To: [email protected]
Subject: [AlwaysLearning] (no subject)
Date: Thu, Sep 5, 2002, 10:54 AM

Ok, I realize you're being jokingly sarcastic....BUT.....
I have my older son who will seriously, for the most part spend his entire
life in his bedroom watching tv and playing Nintendo.
I have to PROD, to get him interested in anything else. I let it go for five
months and decided he needed a little pushing to get him going.
I don't control the tv, but I do remind him that, yes, Mom is working
and if they want to do anything they might want to not wait until an hour
before I go to work.
HELP!!! It is getting a little bit better, but it pains me to see him in
that room ALL day long, day after day after day....
Is it partly the age?
Nothing in our house is worthy anymore. Not books, not art projects, it's
The almost teen thing might be part of it, the fact that I was ultra anti-tv
for a long time is probably part of it. So I grit my teeth and try to shut
But it's hard. He's out of shape and very hard to interest in anything
outside his bedroom.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]