
Thank-you, that sounds about right.You know there is a feel to right.I
guess that is why for so many years I could feel my approach was
off.Funnily enough I never heard of attachment parenting until about a
month ago,yet all my children were part of the family bed.My two
youngest still sleep in our room and will until,like the oldest, ask
for their own room.I breastfed each child, although not nearly as long
as I should have.I have part of it right,but I see how alot of the
choices I made were from selfishness or laziness.It's easy to pay lip
service to something but actually doing it encompasses a whole new set
of rules or in this case no rules.This philosophy of unschooling feels
right,letting go of the NO mode,encouraging natural development
within the child.Actually taking the cues from the child this is
right.There is great appreciation on my part for all the advice given
in this group,you can only glean so much from books which can be quite
static.Having real people respond honestly to questions that might
otherwise go unanswered is priceless.Bridget

Sandra Dodd

On Apr 28, 2006, at 12:50 PM, bridgetvic1964 wrote:

> There is great appreciation on my part for all the advice given
> in this group,you can only glean so much from books which can be quite
> static.Having real people respond honestly to questions that might
> otherwise go unanswered is priceless.Bridget

Good! It's working!

Glad you've found things to help your kids have a happier life.
