Jeff & Kate Kerr

***> what were the child's answers?

He answered normally, there's no major weirdness in their family...<g> not interested in school... I have a baby sister... no, we go out
and do stuff...

She has found a different doctor but I don't know that she'd ever
questions this one as to why he asked such questions.

I am really wondering now if this happens a lot to homeschoolers. To
every kid the doctor gets alone? Public school kids too? Or just
homeschoolers because they're "isolationists" or some other unpleasant
I still think it's creepy.

Deb L***

We had something similar happen the last time I took my kids in. Our
new Dr. was very concerned that my 7yo ds couldn't tie his shoes (well
why should he, he either wears clogs or pull-on shoes). He was also
concerned that ds couldn't read yet (we, his parents, are not
concerned). The Dr. was very vocal about this, while ignoring the fact
that my then 4yo dd could read and could tie her shoes (she learned
because she wanted to know).

He started handing me pamphlets after he found out we homeschooled, on
things like nutrition, what children should know at the end of
kindergarten, how important socialization is (I think they meant
socializing), etc... I looked at the pamphlets in my hand and asked him
if he gave these to all parents or just the homeschooling ones. His
answer? Just the homeschooling ones, they don't seem to have enough
information or resources. While he was still in the room in tipped all
the pamphlets into the large trash can. I'm not sure we're going back
to him.

Ignorance abounds, even in the medical community.

Who's father is a Dr. and very supportive of unschooling