
Talking about how children are raised by totally different parents depending on the birth order got me to thinking. My oldest is the only one that can really attest to the changes around here and remember the differences. He told me the other day that Jalen (babsy boy of 2) is the best off as far as how he will be raised, since he didn't have to deal with the parenting style of former days. ugh.
Poor Trevor, he's endured the super conservative, religious Mum that made him go to Kindergarten for a year and church every week. No wonder he isn't the least bit interested in Unity now that we did 180 degrees...poor guy.
I went from a suburbia conservative to a funky liberal over the years. One layer being shed every so often....I believe I'm finally knowing myself and liking who I am. Church can really screw people up!
And although I always wanted to be an ultra gentle/respectful Mum, I just didn't have enough tools in my arsenal, or maybe I just hadn't learned enough patience. Either way, things are much better now. And when that ugly Ren rears her head, I catch it much more quickly and change directions.
Trevor seems to have survived all the changes thus far, but I feel bad for all the daycare and meanness he had to face so early in life. :(


Nanci K.

> Church can really screw people up!
> Ren

AMEN to that Sistuh! Church and dogma and religion just get in the
way of spirituality, muddy things up and cause problems. Churches
are, mostly, an outdated feudal control system.

Nanci K.