
I lived in England for two years when I was a child,I have really fond
memories of that period of my life.When Nick was younger,even now he
was involved in a lot of sports.Here in Montreal most boys go through
(never leave) a hockey phase.He has always been involved in many
sports,softball soccer, coming home later would never be an
issue since either his father or I would be a the games,or he would
come home with friends.It was the sudden shift between the ages of 15-
16,where I was feeling something akin to fear.I was questioning his
choice in friends and the places he chose to go to.I felt that he
might not be prepared for stuff that I was imagining could happen
(Montreal is a relatively safe city).This was when the friction reared
it's ugly head.We prepared him well for life though he was and still
is a smart,independent young man.As for the "kids just hanging out" in
my experience they are often the children who are hurt or injured
emotionally,not always but often(I know this because I was one of


I lived in England for two years when I was a child,I have really fond
memories of that period of my life.When Nick was younger,even now he
was involved in a lot of sports.Here in Montreal most boys go through
(never leave) a hockey phase.He has always been involved in many
sports,softball soccer, coming home later would never be an
issue since either his father or I would be a the games,or he would
come home with friends.It was the sudden shift between the ages of 15-
16,where I was feeling something akin to fear.I was questioning his
choice in friends and the places he chose to go to.I felt that he
might not be prepared for stuff that I was imagining could happen
(Montreal is a relatively safe city).This was when the friction reared
it's ugly head.We prepared him well for life though he was and still
is a smart,independent young man.As for the "kids just hanging out" in
my experience they are often the children who are hurt or injured
emotionally,not always but often(I know this because I was one of


I lived in England for two years when I was a child,I have really fond
memories of that period of my life.When Nick was younger,even now he
was involved in a lot of sports.Here in Montreal most boys go through
(never leave) a hockey phase.He has always been involved in many
sports,softball soccer, coming home later would never be an
issue since either his father or I would be a the games,or he would
come home with friends.It was the sudden shift between the ages of 15-
16,where I was feeling something akin to fear.I was questioning his
choice in friends and the places he chose to go to.I felt that he
might not be prepared for stuff that I was imagining could happen
(Montreal is a relatively safe city).This was when the friction reared
it's ugly head.We prepared him well for life though he was and still
is a smart,independent young man.As for the "kids just hanging out" in
my experience they are often the children who are hurt or injured
emotionally,not always but often(I know this because I was one of