Julie Stauffer

<<when it comes to TV and computer stuff, he would go on forever>>

Would he really? He isn't willing to stop watching television to make
cookies, play with the video camera (my Zach just discovered this and loves
it), go fishing, a trip to the zoo, whatever?

Do you sit and watch with him? My kids watch such "educational" shows as
"The A-Team" and "Lizzy Macquire". When we watch together it almost never
fails to spark some interesting discussion. We talk ethics, history,
religion, economy, all kinds of things.

I am a big believer in not sitting on your behind all day so I get myself
busy and lo and behold, here come the kids.

Does any of the above sound familiar to you? Why is it that you want him to
watch less television? Just a thought from a mom of 2 very rambunctious
boys thrown in with some fantastic girls----If you are trying to get the kid
to "control his wilds" after television or any other time, I think you may
have already set up an uphill battle for yourself.

Julie--a recent suburban refugee