Julie Stauffer

I am Anglo and grew up in an Anglo world with few interactions with ethnic
groups. I think there were maybe 3 black families in the county I grew up
in. The Hispanics were mainly migrant workers who kept pretty much to
themselves. I grew up in a family where "n---er" jokes were common place.
I never agreed with it but didn't think much of it, just good old boys
goofing around, you know?

Then I adopted my kids. Adriane is Anglo, Zach is Anglo and Hispanic,
Marsie is Hispanic, Danny is Hispanic and Michelle is Black/Hispanic/Anglo.
The first time I heard a racist comment after we got Zach, I couldn't
breathe. I realized, possibly for the first time, that someone really,
REALLY did think less of him because of his genetics. I have to say that
stuff I hear about blacks now really scares me. There really are people,
lots of people not just a few nuts in white capes, that truly think
Michelle is less than human. That it would be ok to hurt her or at least it
wouldn't be any big deal.

I used to blow off ethnic groups complaining about a joke that some
politician made or some black guy complaining that the police discriminated
against him. I used to think "oh please, give it a rest already. Most
crimes are committed by blacks, so what?" Now it scares me and infuriates
me. Because now they aren't talking about some "other", they are talking
about people I love.
