Kathryn Orlinsky

> The Polynesians, for instance, grew up in a land of plenty. (I
> wonder at what age their children weaned before western influence?)

Unless the Polynesians had blenders, it would have been difficult for
young toddlers with only a few teeth to eat much. Of course, people
could have boiled food until it was soft and mashed it to a pulp with
rocks or other tools, but think how much work that would have been!
Breastmilk would have had to have been a major staple until children had
a full set of teeth. And in fact, most mammals do not wean their
offspring until the second set of teeth start coming in. Of course,
nowadays children aren't in danger of starving if they wean at an early
age, but historically they would have been.

Kathy Orlinsky

Jorgen & Ann

<<Of course,
nowadays children aren't in danger of starving if they wean at an early
age, but historically they would have been.>>

Some children in some parts of the world are even nowadays. My mother-in-law was my biggest supporter in breastfeeding. She is sure my husband would have died if she had not breastfed in the early months because milk was not available.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

>>>> Unless the Polynesians had blenders, it would have been difficult for
> young toddlers with only a few teeth to eat much. Of course, people
> could have boiled food until it was soft and mashed it to a pulp with
> rocks or other tools, but think how much work that would have been! <<<

Actually, many cultures will pre-chew the infant's food and deposit it in his
mouth---the origin of the kiss. Animals will do this too---to a further
degree---and regurgitate the partially digested food for their young. So,
really, no blenders were needed! :-) (ever wonder why your dog licks your

> >>>Breastmilk would have had to have been a major staple until children had
> a full set of teeth. And in fact, most mammals do not wean their
> offspring until the second set of teeth start coming in. <<<

Many animals wean MUCH earlier than that. Dogs, for example, wean their pups
at 4-5 weeks; 6 at the latest. Their adult teeth begin to come in @ 4 months.
Big cats are starting the weaning process @ 4-6 weeks when the mom starts
regurgitating meat for them, and are weaned at 5-6 months.

If I'd waited until Cameron's adult teeth started to come in, he'd've been
8!!! (he's 14, and they're not all in!)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 1/15/02 11:47:20 AM, kbcdlovejo@... writes:

<< >>Breastmilk would have had to have been a major staple until children had
> a full set of teeth. >>

Anone with fire and a pot can cook something along the lines of oatmeal, and
anyone with a mortar and pestle can make mush out of vegetables or fruit.
