
pam wrote:

> It is excitement, thrill, sense of completion, sense of "rightness" or of
> being "in tune" (there's that music analogy again) with the universe -- it is
> the "brain" having an AHA moment, not the heart. It is a little or big burst
> of understanding about how things work in our world and having either a
> flashing moment or a slow dawning of understanding about how the universe
> works in patterns that repeat and make sense at many many different levels.
> This is the level at which it feels spiritual to me. It is that level of
> "connectedness" and patterns and things working in a way that makes some kind
> of ultimate sense and that it is something we can strive to understand while
> knowing we can never fully understand. This is somehow related (and I'm sorry
> that I can't express this more articulately) to my own belief that our
> purpose in this life is to strive to know God - who is unknowable (and who is
> not limited to the simple anthropomorphic concept of a deity that most
> religions teach). So - striving to comprehend something that uncovers or
> opens my eyes to patterns in the universe seems part of that spiritual
> purpose. But - so is EVERYTHING else that involves learning; all things that
> give us glimpses into human nature or into the nature of the universe. I
> believe that we're hardwired with in inherent inner need to learn things to
> get those peak moment flashes or slow dawnings of understanding and that is
> why unschooling "works."

and I have posted it on my refrigerator for further contemplation.
Thank you.
