Cheryl Flohe

Hi Nanci,
My two boys are a little older than yours but they
actually do well with all kids, younger than them is
better since my kids, especially the 13 yr old, don't
act "older" in the sense that teenagers who are in
public school act. Somehow that doesn't sound right
but I'm sure you get what I mean. My kids thankfully
still act like kids which I love. I also have 2
grandchildren who my kids adore, Joey will be 5 in
March and he is personality plus and Aaron will be 3
in April. The kids are great with the little ones.
Going to the beach would be great. The kids and I
were just watching home movies the other day and were
talking about how much fun we have going to the beach
and lifting up the rocks to see the little crabs and
things and generally exploring.

Are you back on this side of the state yet? I was
sorry to hear about your husbands accident! Does he
rent a place over there? The reason I ask is that my
husband is staying in our travel trailer in Seattle
but he's going to have to move it soon since the house
where it's at is being sold and we're trying to find a
different solution that doesn't cost alot.... trailer
park, house or land sitting, park on someone's
property in exchange for my husband mowing their yard,
etc.... Any ideas?