Susan Bundlie

On Sunday, July 21, 2002, at 06:20 AM, [email protected]

> I have also been thinking about starting up a center for all ages
> of homeschoolers. We had an awesome center in England and
> I miss it. Would you like to share ideas?

I'd say I'm coming out of lurkdom to write this, but I don't exactly
lurk. It's more that I don't (can't) read for a long time, then swoop in
to snatch some great ideas...and I think a homeschool resource center is
a great idea!

When we started our homeschool theater group several years ago we began
renting space in an old church (congregation of about 45, mostly
elderly). The space was very affordable and we brought life (and money)
to the church people. Over the years I've thought many times about how
great it would be to buy the building and use all the classrooms for
homeschooling activities: classes, clubs, a lending library, a science
lab, etc.--even maybe turn the sanctuary into a basketball court. The
big problem would be maintenance, since old buildings are notorious for
that; there would probably also be safety issues.

The theater has taken up so much of my time that the resource center
idea never got developed, but I'm interested in seeing what ideas can be
generated by other people about that. Just imagine homeschoolers from
all around knowing there's a place to go to hang out and be in touch.

Susan, whose cousin, a public school teacher her whole life (as was her
mother, my aunt) has been visiting us for a week now...and neither of us
has mentioned homeschooling to any extent....