Dawn Falbe

My kids are going on a field trip in a couple of weeks and we were given
about 4 pages of questions for the kids to answer. These were put together
by the place that's doing the field trip. I'm sure they thought they were
doing us a favor and being very helpful... I just looked at them and thought
"I don't think we need to be testing them on what plants they saw and what
colors they are"... It will be interesting to see whether anyone whips that
out while on this trip as we are not just unschoolers.

Another incident today occurred when I was taking Zak to the Theatre (they
have a matinee series for schools). We go as a homeschooling group....
Someone asked Zak if he was homeschooled and he said "yes" they then asked
what grade he said "no grade I'm homeschooled"... "Oh" she said "you don't
do grades, how sweet" (in a condenscending manner).... I smiled and said
NOTHING...what an accomplishment for me....

There were tons of kids there all in a row, being told to stand still, be
quiet, stop talking, stay in line (this is outside the theatre)... Lots of
uniforms and 2 grown ups to about 20 kids, which I'm told is good (whatever
that means)...

Zak enjoyed Ballet Hispanico for a while and then asked when the acrobats
were coming on (a recent theatre trip).. when I told him that this was a
different show he said he'd stay but would prefer the acrobats. I gave him
the option of leaving, but he didn't want to... I thought about how those
other kids don't have that choice if they don't like it.


We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on Friday and there were a few

school groups there. I noticed that one of the groups had handed

out notebooks with questions that their students needed to answer.

I thought how sad that those children couldn't just relax and enjoy

the place. My children learn so much every time we visit - they

had to show Rob all their favorite places - he's been working too

much lately and hasn't been able to go with us. Rob and I were

much more relaxed when all the school groups left. I don't think

Megan and Alex even noticed them - the aquarium is much too interesting

for them!

Dawn Falbe
Astrologer Coach
(520) 312-5300
Enlightening you on how to discover and live your Soul Purpose
"The people who get on in this world are people who get up and look for the
circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them." - George
Bernard Shaw
"The only time my education was interrupted was when I was in school" -
George Bernard Shaw

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Tia Leschke

>There were tons of kids there all in a row, being told to stand still, be
>quiet, stop talking, stay in line (this is outside the theatre)... Lots of
>uniforms and 2 grown ups to about 20 kids, which I'm told is good (whatever
>that means)...

I was at the pool once when a big group of school kids was lining up to
leave. Those who wanted a drink of water were given 20 seconds (timed by
the teacher) for a drink. Never mind that some of them might have had a 45
second thirst.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island

Pam Hartley

Interesting thread.

A few weeks ago my Girl Scout assistant leader was doing a project with the
girls in which they were acting out scenes and showing how they would deal
with various difficult situations. One group of girls was handed the scene,
"Your friend is worried about failing a test, how would you help her?"

Picture Pam taking a befuddled Brittany by the hand to deliver a 30 second
whispered informative lecture on what the heck a TEST is. <g>

And then recently Brit said, "Miranda's Mom says she's grounded. What's

I answered, "It's barbaric, that's what it is." <g> Brit wished for a more
complete explanation so I filled her in...


From: Tia Leschke <leschke@...>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [AlwaysLearning] SCHOOL KIDS
Date: Wed, Mar 20, 2002, 5:21 PM

>There were tons of kids there all in a row, being told to stand still, be
>quiet, stop talking, stay in line (this is outside the theatre)... Lots of
>uniforms and 2 grown ups to about 20 kids, which I'm told is good (whatever
>that means)...

I was at the pool once when a big group of school kids was lining up to
leave. Those who wanted a drink of water were given 20 seconds (timed by
the teacher) for a drink. Never mind that some of them might have had a 45
second thirst.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

zenmomma *

>>And then recently Brit said, "Miranda's Mom says she's grounded. What's

>I answered, "It's barbaric, that's what it is." <g> Brit wished for a more
>complete explanation so I filled her in...>>

Casey has a friend across the street who is a few years older. Casey thinks
she is just the coolest kid. She is also being grounded right and left. So,
Casey thought it sounded oh so cool. She was insisting that I ground her
there for awhile so that she could be like Gabrielle.


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