[email protected]


Many years ago the family (me, Russ and four kids) did the train from CA to
MN, and then back again after a family visit. The tricky part was getting
the reservations all lined up. We were able to book the family sleeping car,
which was all across the back of the sleeping car, and was a wonderful space
for us. Food was hard. We couldn't bring enough to feed ourselves thro the
whole trip, and often the wait at the dining car was way too long for kids to
handle. Totally different - prompt service on the return trip, so I guess it
depends on the staff.

My daughter is loving attending community college. I spoke to her teacher
after the dance concert (my daughter was in the teacher's modern piece which
was all about the teacher's siblings and their father's death). Her teacher
told me it was so refreshing to have a student that had some intellectual
grasp of what was going on. Her nutrition instructor told her she loved
having her in class since she proved if you show up and pay attention you can
do well (ie -get good grades :-) ), and learn the material. What can I say??
My daughter is simply interested in what is going on there, and it shows. Is
it because she didn't attend school until college, is it because she is
mature beyond her years, is it because she has always been academically
minded?? Who knows - but I am thrilled when she shares what she is learning,
and is excited about being and doing her life. That excitement is my
definition of having focus and passion in your life.


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