Julie Anderson

Well I've been lurking for a few days.. getting up the courage to post ( a
big glass of wine helps!) We are a family of five.. homeschoolers for 10
yrs and then unschoolers.. me and the girls more so than my husband, at
least as far as math is concerned. (and I do need suggestions in this
area!!) He is ok with everything but this for some reason.

I'm married.. 21 yrs.. we have 3 daughters.. ages 17, 11, and 6yrs.

We live in the country..and are a back-to-the-land homesteading kinda
family. We raise goats for milk, chickens for eggs and my oldest daughter
has 2 Appaloosas..I also have sheep. I love herbs, gardening, baking bread
and whole foods, feeding the birds, and books of course..I'm always
reading.. a stay at home kinda person really.

We tend to be Libertarians in our political thinking.. not so sure about
our Spiritual side anylonger.. once pretty fundamentalist Christian..(I was
raised Lutheran, my husband was no specific religion when we married) but
after experiencing some very bad things done to us by "so called
Christians".. we are once more searching. I personally tend to lean to
Native American spirituality now.

A special 'hello' to Sandra.. I'm a big fan of yours.. reading your site..
listening to you on the unschoolers forum..and also your articles in Home
Education magazine. I'm curious about your spiritual journey..raised
Southeran Baptist..but now?? What changed for you? Or maybe none of my
business..and that's ok too. Hey, I also am interested in the Medieval
stuff that you do.. my family and I once went to a festival near OKC and my
sister and brother in law used to be very into it.. sounds like SO much
fun!! I also love the Civil war re-enactments that are done locally in our

Ok.. hear it goes..

Julie in MO