[email protected]


I'll be at the CHN Family Expo Conference
June 11-12 2004 & June 10-11 2005 in Riverside CA
<A HREF="http://www.californiahomeschool.net/">http://www.californiahomeschool.net/</A>

If you're there too - I hope we get a chance to meet!

Friday: Magnolia, session 6  4:30-5:30
What I Wish I'd Have Known Back Then
Connie Colten
An unschooler talks about her 23 years of homeschool experience, wanting to
 share her experience so you can benefit from what she's learned.

Saturday: University session 12  4:00-5:00
The Wonder and the Fun
Connie Colten
The author of Homeschooling Reflections reflects on her many years of raising
her five unschooled children.  Did they get into college?  And are they

Connie Colten has spent her years raising five children, now ages 15-32
(having them learn at home for the last 23 years), being a military wife (now
divorced), a childbirth instructor, a La Leche League Leader, and running a
homebusiness.  She is the author of the recently published book Homeschooling
Reflections, training to once again climb Mt. Whitney, and dancing every chance she

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