Tia Leschke

Got this on another list. Some of you might be interested.

>>Please feel free to send the below on to any groups you think may
have people interested in the group,

I'm starting a new virtual support group. It is for nightowls and
others who tend to spend most of their awake hours when others are
asleep, a habit we got into when my husband had odd shift hours.
Homeschooling after Midnight is designed as a virtual support group
for nightowls. It will give an environment that is supportive to
your homeschooling, but give you an interactive group that are on
when you are. It offers a freedom to post when you are up and
thinking about topics, without wondering what people will think of
you when they see a timestamp of 3:45am.

When my youngest reached 'school age', our friends would kiddingly
ask if we did her school work at midnight and sheepishly I said yes.
It was the time of day when she was most creative and attuned to
learning, so it fit our family. If this sounds like you, come join
us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/H-a-M

Susan O'Neal
Homeschooling after Midnight
please pass this message on to any homeschooling lists you are on
that might have interested members>>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin