[email protected]

Mary, Tell Casey I'm very sorry for her loss. Losing a special pet friend is
difficult. I can still cry when I think about my dear friend JoJo, my
Australian shepard that died when I was 10.
My best friend in Jr. High had a rat named Templeton that we loved dearly. I
remember taking Templeton on my shoulder to all my classes at music/art camp
at the University.
When he died we placed him in a coffee can, sprinkled him with holy water
(not sure what made it holy other than the fact that we decided it was) and
buried him in her back yard with some pomp and circumstance. We even invited
our siblings to attend, which they did. It was a very proper burial.
Ritual and ceremony are helpful when you're sad...a nice way to pay tribute
to a dear friend.
Best wishes,