[email protected]

On Mon, 20 May 2002 22:30:42 EDT starsuncloud@... writes:
> Do you know
> where that
> is? It's very obscure, mainly was farms in old times.
> If you're heading to the beach it's the turn off just before that
> Dairy Queen
> on Hwy. 26...Hayward road. Beautiful country.

I picked up a hitchhiker once at Cannon Beach, who lived in Manning, and
took him home. I got a flat tire and ended up eating dinner with his
folks. He was going to school at Pacific U, and he actually ended up
dating my friend Judy for a few weeks. He tipped over their canoe at
Haag lake and she ended the whole affair. <g>
I cannot remember his name but what a smile! Brian, maybe? Now I'll be
reminiscing all night!

Deb L