[email protected]

I can't keep up with this list!!
Forgive me if I mention something redundant, but I can't possibly read all
the e-mails (not even in digest format).
I just wanted to pop in and say WOW! to Sandra for being the first American
Bowie fan...I'm so totally impressed. I fell in love with him in 1983, I
know, I know.....a little late for you "old time" fans. But he was sooooo
sexy in "Let's Dance". YK?
I bought a bunch of his tapes after that and still adore his music. That and
his incredible talent for costuming. I loved him in "Labrynth" too.
I have been doing a lot of searching myself lately. Questioning many, many
things I formerly took for granted as far as religion goes.
I love Jesus and consider myself a Christian because of that.
I do not see him in churches though. I do not see his spirit in most that
claim Christianity either.
Most of this matters not a whit to how I choose to live my life, I know what
has been spoken to my own heart and I just try to follow that.
I just understand the questioning and the not wanting to just go to church
because you're "supposed" to.