
Does anyone have any tips on unschooling/homeschooling as a single
parent? Finances and child supervision issues seem overwhelming at
this point, but I feel absolutely sick at the thought of putting my 7
yo and 4 yo in public school/daycare.

Thanks for any ideas.


[email protected]

In a message dated 2/24/2006 6:32:13 P.M. Central Standard Time,
nahoagland@... writes:

Does anyone have any tips on unschooling/homeschooling as a single
parent? Finances and child supervision issues seem overwhelming at
this point, but I feel absolutely sick at the thought of putting my 7
yo and 4 yo in public school/daycare.

Do you have any family that would be willing to take care of your kids while
you work?
Can you find any way to work out of your home and hire a responsible teen or
college student to help you for the hours you work? Can you move in with
another unschooling family or maybe another single mom?

My kids were also 7 and 4 when I became a single parent. My sister cared
for them and I bought a house next door to her. I had to work full-time the
first year and then part-time for the next couple of years but was always able
to keep them either with me or next door with my sister. They are now 16 and
12 and I've been remarried for several years.

Other possibilities I thought of were to find a college student who needed a
place to live and work hours when they were available to take care of your
kids. I moved across the country in order to live by my sister and I thought
it was the best decision I could have made considering the circumstances at
the time.

Not sure of your situation but if you are in a relationship with their
father, I'd exhaust every avenue including therapy and even sharing a house as
friends before I'd consider leaving. I could have done that but didn't even
consider it as an option at the time. I guess I'd just suggest that you be very
creative and open to all possibilities.


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